License No. 594/062/063

Recruitment procedure with us is very simple and efficient. We always try to send the manpower as soon as possible. On receipt of the original manpower demand documents from the client, we immediately work to arrange the interviews within 7 to 10 days.
Consulate Authorization letter (Wakala)
Demand Letter
Power of Attorney
Commercial Registration Copy
Employment Agreement Paper
Authorization Letter/Counselor Letter
Company Registration (CR) Copy
Visa Approval Slip (Bank Slip)
On receipt of the original document we approach the HMG Labour ministry for the pre approval from the government. During HMG may directly contact you for the verification of the documents. On such cases we request you for your kind co-operation with this verification process
Medical Checkup
All the selected candidates are sent for the Medical Checkup to the medical centers authorized by the government and the company.
Visa Process
After the medical checkup is done, we process for the visa for the candidates who are fit and ready to travel.
This is one of the important parts of the recruitment process. The objective of the orientation is to give the workers some idea of their place of work and environment before their departure so that they can adjust easily to their new environment on their arrival in the place of work. We brief all the workers about their jobs, safety procedures, the climatic conditions, teach them to honor the different religions, rules and regulations of the country, customs and traditions of the other nationalities they will meet and work with.
On receipt of the visa we do the processing for the mobilization of the workers. We try to dispatch them as soon as possible. As per our experience, we dispatch them in around 10-15days after receipt of the visa.