License No. 594/062/063
Overseas Recruitment
Palhi Overseas is a professional HR s0urce and recruiting company, which provides all types of workf0rces i.e. professional, skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled fr0m Nepal t0 different companies all over the world.
we undertake the responsibility 0f publishing our client’s manpower requirements in regional and national newspapers 0n regularly basics and, we also upload Our client’s requirements on j0b sites for specialized categories to focus throughout Nepal.
Scrutinizing & Interviewing Candidates
Our skilled/semi-skilled candidates are selected through an intense  filtering process, based on criteria’s 0fi encompassing professional skills and knowledge, experience, competence, personality and adaptability.
Trade Test& Specialization Test
Our Technical Trade Tests are c0nducted by qualified engineers in various specialized areas. We also undertake the responsibility to trade test, candidates reviewed and selected by our client’s.
Candidates undergo a complete Medical check -up by a Panel Of doctors and Copy of their Medical Fitness Report is send to the Client’s.