License No. 594/062/063
Power of Attorney:
The principal will furnish us with a power of Attorney duly authorizing it to carry on the supply of Nepalese Manpower, including meeting up all the necessary formalities as regards passports, visas from respective Embassies, Medical Check-up, etc. which are directly connected with the trade. The power of Attorney must be attested by the Nepal Embassy existing in the country of employment and endorsed by its Chamber of Commerce & Industry/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Consular Letter:
The Principal will issue a Letter of Authority in favor of the agent addressed to the Consulate General of the concerned Embassy in Nepal intimating to him that we are appointed as their Manpower Recruiting Agent which is fully authorized to deal with all visa matters, submission, and delivery, with the said Embassy, mentioning the visa number and the date of issue, etc. in the letter.
Visa Advice:
The Visa Advice, also duly endorsed and attested as stated above should reach the concerned Embassy, a photocopy of which should simultaneously reach us for its presentation to the concerned Embassy.
Demand Letter:
The Principal will formally issue Demand Letter in favor of our company in which the following should clearly be stated: the job categories, the number of workers required category-wish, monthly salaries stating the name of the currency, period of the contract, and other amenities for workers at a site such as Food, Medical Treatment, and Accommodation, which in most cases, are provided free of cost or alternatively allowance payable in lieu thereof. This Demand Letter must be duly endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Nepal existing in the country of employment.
Screening & Short-listing by Technical Consultants
All screening and assessment for the databank or final round of interviews is conducted by our highly experienced technical consultants and if required, candidates are sent for trade testing. Short-listed applicants are graded on their professional and general knowledge, presentation, and attitude.